After an era of 8 years, my time as a Briercrest employee is coming to a close. My official layoff date is April 10, 2015. Over these 8 years I've held 10 different contracts with Briercrest! For fun, here's the line-up:

Just to be clear, we are NOT moving on from St. Aidan. Ministering to the (big C) Church's young people, and helping others to do so, has become a central part of my life's vocation. And St. Aidan in particular is where we call home.
Toward that end, if you work with young people in your church, or are daring to think about it, please get in touch. I'd love to chat, share resources and stories, and to encourage a fellow-labourer. I've started to put some free resources together at Go grab some!
I'm also excited to be launching my own web agency (, and to get to do this work from home. This is the end of a significant chapter, but the start of a bigger, more missionally-focused one.